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Inicjalizacja SW FC Connetrix DS-6xxxx

  • The Ready Stack uses Dell EMC Connectrix switches for FC storage traffic. Two Connectrix DS-6505B or DS-6510B series switches make up the FC fabrics. For FC guidelines for storage array and hosts, consult your Dell EMC Sales representative.
    • Connect all power cords and management cables.
    • Connect your setup computer COM port to the serial port on the switch using the serial cable that shipped with the switch.

The serial connection settings are as follows:

  • 9600 bits per second
    • No parity/no flow control
    • 8 data bits/1 stop bit
    • Open a terminal emulator program such as PuTTY.
    • Power on the switch.
    • Verify that the switch has completed the boot process and that the operating system image is available.
    • From the terminal emulator program, log in to the switch console using the default credentials:
    • Username: admin
    • Password: password
    • When prompted, change the password.
    • Type ipAddrSet and press Enter to start the IP configuration dialog, and then configure the following settings:
    • DHCP—Select On or Off (the default is Off).
    • Ethernet IP Address—Set the IP address for the switch.
    • Ethernet Subnet mask—Set the subnet mask for the switch.
    • Gateway IP Address—Set the default gateway for the switch.
    • Close the terminal emulator program and disconnect the serial cable from the switch.
    • Repeat the process on the bottom switch if necessary.
    • Verify that the FC switches are visible on the network.

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