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DCN Link Agregation Group

Tworzymy interfejs #

S5750E-52X-P-SI(config)#int port-channel (nr_int)

Przypisanie portchannelu do portu #

S5750E-52X-P-SI(config)#int eth (nr_int)

S5750E-52X-P-SI(config-if-ethernet1/0/1)#port-group (nr_portchannelu) mode active

Konfiguracja portchannelu #

S5750E-52X-P-SI(config)#int port-channel (nr)

S5750E-52X-P-SI(config-if-port-channel2)#switchport mode trunk

Set the port Port-Channel2 mode Trunk successfully

S5750E-52X-P-SI(config-if-port-channel2)#switchport trunk allowed vlan (nr_vlanów)

set the trunk port Port-Channel2 allowed vlan successfully.

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